Shaping the Future of Data in Motion

HStreamDB is an open-source, cloud-native streaming database for IoT and beyond. Modernize your data stack for real-time applications.

What is a Streaming Database?

A streaming database is purpose-built to ingest, store, process, and analyze massive data streams. It is a modern data infrastructure that unifies messaging, stream processing, and storage to help get value out of your data in real-time.

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A modern approach to working with data streams in the IoT era.


Unify the data stream processing and storage on a single platform.


Store and manage millions of data streams with a single cluster.

Ingest and store data streams at scale

Ingest and store data streams at scale

Ingest massive amounts of data continuously generated from various sources, such as IoT device sensors. Store millions of data streams reliably in a specially designed distributed streaming data storage cluster.

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Replay and consume data streams anytime

Replay and consume data streams anytime

Consume data streams in real-time as fast as from Kafka by subscribing to topics in HStreamDB. With the permanent data stream storage, you can playback and consume data streams anytime.

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Stream processing with standard SQL

Stream processing with standard SQL

Process data streams based on event-time with the same familiar SQL syntax you use to query data in a relational database. You can use SQL to filter, transform, aggregate, and even join multiple data streams.

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Real-time analytics with materialized views

Real-time analytics with materialized views

With materialized views created from continuously updated data streams, HStreamDB enables you to gain real-time data insight through simple query operations using standard SQL statements.

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Streamline your data stack for real-time applications

Streamline your data stack for real-time applications

Streamline your data stack for real-time applications

Streamline your data stack for real-time applications

Quick Start

Run on your laptop

Download quick-start.yaml

Start HStreamDB Server

docker-compose -f quick-start.yaml up

Start HStreamDB's interactive SQL CLI

docker run -it --rm --name some-hstream-cli --network host hstreamdb/hstream:v hstream sql
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HStreamDB is 100% open source and community-driven. All components are available under the BSD (3-Clause) License on GitHub.

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